Timber assessment, crop analysis and production forecasting services to forest managers

timber assessment

From simple desk-based GIS stratification of the crop to detailed assessment on the ground.

taking some of the guess-work out of timber harvesting

Arriving at an accurate projection of the potential timber income from a forest takes hard work.  

Many forest managers guess and this can sometimes be good enough.

For more confidence in your breakout estimates and future timber sales projections, my fixed-price service will remove some of the uncertainties without incurring significant costs.  

If your budget is restricted and the lightest of touches is required, I can visit the felling coupe while in possession of an aerial photograph to stratify the crop by species and timber quality. The resulting data can then be used to estimate timber production potential in a manner that is, at the very least, a significant improvement over simple guesswork.

Improving the accuracy even further should assist the timber merchant with pricing-up the work more keenly and will provide the woodland owner or forest manager with a greater degree of confidence in the income projection.

To this effect, I provide a flexible service that can be tailored to your specific requirements from crop assessments with a relascope to measurements using the full tariff method, all undertaken to a fixed-price so the risk is all mine.

Once the fieldwork is done, I can:

  • Process the data to create a digital map (see here for more information on my GIS and mapping services).

  • Provide a forecast of the timber products that an upcoming felling coupe will produce.

  • Obtain the felling licence from Forestry Commission Scotland.

  • Issue a budget that considers the potential timber income, the probable costs associated with felling the trees, and the subsequent cost of restocking the woodland.

  • Market the timber with the leading merchants and find markets for non-standard species and sizes.

  • Manage all aspects of the work, including maintaining records of timber removed from the woodland by lorry and payments made by the timber merchant.

Whether you require the full service or just some elements of it, please contact me using the details here or use the links below for some further suggestions as to how I may help.