farmers, crofters and land agents
woodland creation
Tree planting to generate short term income, as an investment for the future, to create shelter and to benefit the environment and improve the landscape.
the COMPLETE woodland creation package, from initial investigations to GRANTS, fencing, tree planting and weeding
Scotland needs more trees, whether in the form of native woodland to mitigate climate change or as coniferous forests for supplying the UK timber processing sector.
The Scottish Government realises this, which is why we have the Scotland Rural Development Programme (SRDP) and the Forestry Grant Scheme to provide financial support to landowners looking to increase the woodland resource on their land.
There are two principal methods of increasing tree cover available to the landowner and I can assist with both of them:
Expanding tree cover by promoting natural regeneration (a process that usually involves excluding or controlling grazing animals).
Expanding tree cover by planting trees (a process that usually involves some form of cultivation, manual planting, and the exclusion or control of grazing animals).
Both methods are tried-and-tested and almost certainly responsible for most of the woodland seen in the landscape today.
I have spent almost ten years creating new woodland in the Scottish Highlands and I am competent in all aspects of the work, from assessing ground for tree planting opportunities to designing the woodland, obtaining grant support and managing the activity stage and everything that goes with it.
My standards are high, the quality of my work is good, and my familiarity with the afforestation process ensures that it is completed on time, on budget and in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.
I work with landowners and land managers in all their forms and I am familiar with the specific requirements of crofters, farmers, estates owners and most other individuals or groups that own small or large areas of land.
Because my initial assessment work is free, I am able to provide a professional and independent appraisal of the suitability of planting trees on your ground without any firm commitment from yourself. If we do get to the stage where costs will be incurred, I make it clear that this will happen long before we get there.
In the first instance, I usually survey a prospective customer's land holding to identify the woodland creation opportunities, before producing a written report accompanied by preliminary budgets.
After that, if the landowner, land occupier, or manager wishes to proceed, the planning work continues and a detailed proposal is developed in accordance with your requirements.
Where grant funding is required, the process from initial survey work to project completion can sometimes take several months, so there is no time like the present to request that initial survey. To do this, just use the contact details or the form here.
Alternatively, please use the links below for more information on a few of the ways that I can help.