Forestry consultant services for woodland owners and other landowners

services for woodland owners and estates

A professional, reliable, and cost-effective service to woodland owners and estates.

SERVICES FOR woodland owners and estates

Having worked as a forest manager for a national forest management company and then with a national firm of land agents, my customers have included small woodlands in private ownership, large estates and most things in between.  

Now that I am self-employed, the situation very much remains the same.

I am familiar with the constraints (financial and otherwise) that woodland owners face and I appreciate that the forest or woodland seldom exists in glorious isolation from other activities underway on the land.

In that regard, I am aware that the requirements of gamekeepers, property managers, visitors and guests all require due consideration and that prior consultation (or at least the courtesy of some advance notice) does much to reduce the frictions and inconvenience of, say, implementing a timber harvesting project or installing a new deer fence. 

I am also aware that woodland owners sometimes feel frustrated with the service they receive from forest management companies, who can be slow to respond, expensive, and rather average when it comes to meeting their client's expectations.

I address this by being courteous, quick to respond, and able to meet deadlines.

Furthermore, my prices are both reasonable, transparent and provided from the very outset.

The services I offer include the full range of forest management activities that one would expect from an independent consultant and I have the flexibility to take-on projects that are large, small, one-off, ongoing, run-of-the-mill or specialist and irregular.

I produce management plans, annual budgets and work programmes that can be simple or complex, according to the required scope.  I arrange woodland insurance, hazardous tree inspections and risk management plans.  I am well-versed in obtaining felling licences and grants for woodland improvements.   I can market your timber to obtain the best price, plan and implement the subsequent restocking and apply for any grant assistance that may be available.

I can also plan and plant new woodland, create tracks and paths, remove rhododendron and other invasive species and inspect and repair your damaged fences.

In short, if it involves trees and woodlands, I can probably do it.  

Whether you require an ongoing pro-active management service that gets things done, or whether you would like someone on-hand for those occasional times when external assistance is required, please contact me.  

My initial visit is always free of charge and I am happy to evaluate your woodland to apprise its full potential before getting to the stage where charges begin to accrue.

With regard to the services that I offer, it is worth considering the following when you compare me to other forest consultants:

  • I will work to an agreed fixed price in many circumstances to provide you with the confidence to expect that projects will be delivered in accordance with the cash flows and budgets that I provide before the work begins.

  • I hold public liability insurance (£5 million), employee liability insurance (£10 million) and professional indemnity cover (£1 million).

  • My work is risk-assessed, I implement a lone-working policy, and I have my own company safety policy.

  • I am flexible and pro-active, spending as much or as little time as you desire in managing your woodlands.

  • I offer a personalised and tidy contracting service that will help you get the most out of your woodland without leaving an unsightly mess behind afterwards.

  • I am experienced and competent in most areas of forest management.

Kindly use the links below for details of some of the other services that I offer. 

Alternatively, please use the contact form here to get in touch with your specific requirements.