
News and observations arising from my work as a forestry consultant, with the occasional comments about other matters.

AECS application window opens

According to the Scottish Rural Network the 2018 round of the Agri Environment Climate Scheme (AECS) is now open.  

AECS is always popular and over subscribed so the deadline to work-up a proposal is ridiculously short: Friday 13 April.  

AECS supports forestry activities that including grazing management plans for ancient wood pasturethe planting of new hedgerows and, of course, my favourites: the control of rhododendron and the control of other non native invasive plant species.  

In addition to those forestry options, farmers, crofters and anybody else involved in land management can access financial support for a wide range of activities that benefit wildlife and the environment in all manner of semi natural habitats, including farms, moorlands, heaths, wetlands, bogs, rivers and water catchments.  There is also support for conversion to organic farming and the provision of public access.  

The full list of options is available on the SRDP website here (note: not all areas are eligible for all options).

If any of this tickles your fancy, then please let me know as quickly as you can.  There really is not much time available to do the groundwork, consult with the statutory authorities and prepare the grant application.

I will endeavour to visit within a few days and we can then identify the measures that could be of interest.  I will then provide an estimate for the work and, if you decide not to proceed, no charges will be raised and it will go no further than that.

If, on the other hand, you wish to apply for a grant, I can assure you of my best efforts to have everything ready for the deadline.